
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

They Smile In Your Face...

I was recently at a "meeting" with some "co-workers." Okay, I was at a play reading with actors, writers, theatre company members, and a director. But that's all the specifics you're gonna get out of me. Anyway, there was one individual there who did not want a certain other individual involved in the process. At all. Let's call the parties "X" (for X-tra Hater) and let's call the other individual "O" (for Obliviously-Hated). The thing is that "X" didn't want "O" to be there. So much so that "X" came up with a ridiculously outlandish scheme to get "O" off of this project. That idea was vetoed by more sensible heads, thank goodness. But at this point, everyone in the room, with the exception of "O," knew how much "X" wanted rid of "O."

But here's the funny part (and by funny I mean sad): when "O" walked into the room, "X" greeted "O" with a big-ass fake smile...AND A HUG! Now, I know that it's probably the professional thing to be polite and not air one's hatred publicly. But professionalism went out the window long ago as far as "X" is concerned. "X" let everyone else know the problems with "O" but never bothered to let "O" in on it. So happy little "O" comes bouncing into the room, oblivious as usual, and receives a big, squeezing, arms wrapped around, holding close embrace from someone who doesn't even want them around.

Perhaps "O" isn't so oblivious after all. I don't think you can completely not know certain truths that we sometimes try to play off, like: your man is cheating on you/didn't pull out/is gay, you are over the speed limit/spending limit/drinking limit, your payment/period/movie rental/library book is late, etc. And maybe "O" knew exactly why "X" hated working together. Maybe "O" sensed it. But that's still not the same as someone telling you, flat out. "I don't like your work habits." "You're doing this, that and that other thing wrong." "You just annoy me." Shoot, say something. But don't smile in somebody's face when you hate their guts. And for goodness' sake, don't hug 'em. Unless of course you have a knife in your hand.

- Inda

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Last Day in L.A.

Being here has taught me some things about myself, life, relationships, women, my career, people's character, and has had me question whether or not I want to move here. And the answer is yes. Sure it's only been two and a half weeks, and sure there are people here that are not in the best moral standing, sure I will have to "start over," sure kevINda will have to make some adjustments, and sure I'm drunk, but I think it's the best thing to do. (I'm not really drunk.)

The weather is ridiculous here and so are the ladies . . . and by ridiculous I mean beautiful . . . weather and women are not the reasons to move out here. And if you know me which most of you do not I am not the kind of guy who let's women influence my decisions . . . Inda and my mom are the exceptions. I have a lot of friends out here, more than I thought. A LOT of Chicago people, it's crazy. Lots of good people. that was a big influence.

Tonight I may go see a free screening of a movie that I would not pay to see . . . I think I am becoming elitist. Wow. Me? That's wierd. The first step is knowing you have the problem. It's really just frustration and not so much elitist-ness. What ever I need to tell my self right? I'll work on it. Actions speak louder than words, so I will show that I am superior rather than say it. Ah, I feel better already. Problem solved.

- Kevin

Sunday, May 28, 2006

X-Men or the Mann Chinese Theatre owes me $12!

I have four or five more days here.

Saw X-Men 3 last night. Hmm . . .

We stood in line at the Mann Chinese Man Theatre. We got there two hours early to get good seats. Was not worth the wait. X-Men 3 sucked! Awful. People cheered after every preview and I was the only one that clapped after The Omen accident. I thought everyone was gonna do it. Then at the end of the movie people were applauding after every name that was in the credits. I was like, "This isn't a play!?" And the movie was awful...but of course some of the people involved in the movie were in the audience. It was still awful. How does that happen? The first two were great! But I guess greed F#*KS you everytime! The Mann Chinese Theatre is huge and beautiful. Movie was still not worth the wait or even the 12 dollars. I would rather have paid 12 dollars to get a full tour of the Mann Chinese Theatre. Wow, hollywood is REALLY good at f*#king good things up when they aren't broken. They are consistent at that. Can't wait to move here just to get behind the scenes and see how that type of s#*t happens.

Here is what is going to happen, I predict:
I am going to create and/or star in an awesome TV show and things are going to go really well and the ratings are going to be off the chain! I am going to be famous because of this show...and then they(Hollywood) are going to offer me 50 million dollars, or more, and give me a cut of the DVD sales and some other perks! And then the small print ('cause who reads the small print?) will read, "We need you to alter/change some things, we need you to not do this so much, or say that so much, or not be so Black, or not talk about so-and-so and we want you to somehow -- after we have taken away everything good and talented about you -- we somehow want you to give us the same product...only better. Oh, Hollywood. I CAN'T WAIT TO MOVE HERE!!!!

- Kevin

Thursday, May 25, 2006

No issues here.

Women are crazy...not all women. Just all the ones I know. If you think you're not crazy and I know you... I will give you at least one or two examples of crazy things that you have done in the past that qualify you as crazy...and Mom, don't even think of responding because I have a book of crazy things you have done. Love you. And I love women. Men are crazy, too. But guess what? I don't want to end up with a man.

I have GIRL-friends who would rather jump through a thousand hoops, run through a burning house, swim in shark-infested waters, sit in a crashing plane, eat out of a maggot-filled trash can, and lick a CTA (CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY) platform, than tell a man exactly how she feels or that something is bothering her. Ladies, I have a secret: men hate when you want us to try and figure out what's wrong with you...and by men I mean ME. Games like that are soooo annoying. If you're under 25 or 26 -- fine, play your little games. But when you hit 30 to 35 and your biological clock is tickin' and you're ready to settle down, haha, KHARMA IS A BITCH!! For you women who played the games and lost, take a moment, think of the guys you could of had...take the moment...Now think about what you settled for.

Men play their game too, you know the "let me see if I can cheat on you and get away with it" game! Stupid game. I have never and would never play it, nor do I recommend it, but MANY men do play it. I will even go as far as saying most of the ones I know...not true 'cause I try not to surround myself with those kinds of men, and if you are one of those men and I hang out with you, notice that I don't call you, and I only hang out with you for short periods of time. And when I am around you, I don't really talk. I just listen and wonder how you got to be the way you are. You are what I call a dose person and you disgust me. I won't say it to your face because, well, you're a dog and should be treated as such. And you are untrained. And like an untrained dog you don't listen. Secondly, you justify your every move with things like: look at the way she is dressed, or I have not had sex in X amount of days, or she and I got in an argument...that's a good one, or she doesn't treat me the way I deserve to be treated, or BITCHES AIN'T SHIT. Don't be mad at me ladies. This is what they say when you're not around. And if they say any of that when you are around, you should examine that relationship. And if you are offended by any of this, you're probably crazy.

- Kevin

Monday, May 22, 2006

Kevin's Super Power

I signed up for a charity yesterday. Why? Why not? We should all be giving back to the world and by "world" I mean those less fortunate. I think we as a wealthy super power have a responsibility, and when you die, guess what? You don't get to take any of your wealth with you. Being in L.A. I have had the opportunity to hang around and see alot of people with more money than they know what to do with. Kind of, not the wealth, but them driving their 2008 (yes 2008 because they are that rich) Escalades in puddles that splash on the homeless man sleeping on the bus stop bench. THAT's disturbing.

I know God wants us to be rich and prosperous, but I don't think God wants us to be heartless and greedy. Think about that the next time you are on your cell phone with internet access, watching TiVo direct satellite TV in your 500 dollar jeans laying on your 4,000 dollar sofa in your three story condo in your beautiful clean neighborhood in your wonderfully rich, warmongering super power of a country...or just continue to live your life as if tomorrow is promised.

- Kevin

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hung Over or Drinking and Scientology

I am hung over. Mom, if you are reading, "hung over" is now slang for doing well...I saw a sketch comedy show last was definately sketch, but it lacked in comedy. I learned that having friends in the audience does not always help your show, but offering free beer to your audience, that is a great idea!!! The more beer I drank the better it got! Actually, the more beer I drank the more I needed to pee. No, I am not being an asshole nor am I saying that L.A. has bad sketch comedy. I am not one of those people that places judgement based on one experience...although I will never try cocaine again. Mom, "trying cocaine" is L.A. slang for driving fast.

I saw the Scientology building, the celebrity one which I guess is like the other ones in the world just more pretentious? It looks like a nice hotel. I didn't do the tour because I had an experience with the Scientologists at Southport and Lincoln (in Chicago). Yeah, they are kind of like car salesman...that work for the Devil. They keep trying to get you to join by asking you questions like: What you think life is, and what you think happens when you die, and do you think Tom Cruise is gay? Questions like that. Again, I am not one of those people who makes judgements based on one experience. But I just saw MI 3 and, come on, the tight jeans and the swishing? Tom Cruise is definately a Scientologist! The fake marriage and the fake child and the fake Katie Holmes -- that's Scientology at it's worst!

- Kevin

Friday, May 19, 2006

Chick Flicks. Gotta Hate 'Em!

Here's my angry letter to Jessica Reaves, the Chicago Tribune staff reporter who reviewed the new film Dead Man's Shoes with Paddy Considine. She basically hated the movie and gave it one star, for no other reasons than it was violent and the actors had "impenetrable accents." Clearly someone who should stick with the Meg Ryan sappy, romantic comedies from the 90s. Clearly someone who's career as a reviewer should have ended then as well.

Dear Ms. Reaves,

I cannot believe you would pan a movie because you don't like the genre. Or because you can't understand foreign accents. Why were you even assigned to review this film? Not a word about Paddy Considine's amazing performance, which has garnered nothing but raves from actual critics who appreciate skill, storytelling, and film visuals -- regardless of the genre. As a woman, I am offended that you took the "eew, it's gory and bloody so it's bad" bent when reviewing this film. It's violent, yes. Get over it. Man up, accept the film for the work that it is, and then review its contents.

Was Kill Bill Volume 1 too much for you? Probably, since The Bride's "homicidal rage" got pretty rough, there. How about Scarface? Taxi Driver -- there's another "grisly revenge fantasy" that must have just sent you running out of the theatre in tears.

It isn't a prerequisite that a filmgoer "thrill at the sight of blood" to have an open mind about a film. Perhaps upon a second viewing (maybe with someone there to hold your hand during the scary parts) you could be a bit more objective in your critique.

- Inda

Thursday, May 18, 2006

the ITIS

Okay, it's like day three or four, whatever. I have been chillin'. I am going to an open mic tonight. Wish me luck! I like waking up whenever the heck I want. I need to take more of, what are they called...ah, yes, vacations. They are nice. I highly recommend them. I went out with some friends and had all-you-can-eat at a sushi restaurant called Madori, I think. It was so good! We all got the "itis, came home and they are now taking a nap. I can fight my itis better than them. They clearly don't eat out here otherwise that little bit of food we had would not have hit them so hard, or maybe we eat too much in Chicago? Hell no. We at least look healthy. And by healthy I mean obese. I know them anorexic hoes we see on TV do not represent Hollywood, but then again maybe Hollywood should put some normal hoes on TV so we can end that stereotype.

"What is the itis?" you might ask? Well, I am not at liberty to say, but I will tell you this: my mom use to say it and it is short for ni-- nevermind. Ask a Black friend. They will let you know. Yeah, it's one of those words like NI*#ER that only Black people can say. Which is funny because that would imply that we have the power to tell Caucasians what they can and can't do. That's a funny thought.

Anyway, L.A. is cool. At one point I was in a friend's car with two other friends and realized that we were all on our cell phones. I hung up my phone and thought, "Why am I on the phone? Ain't nobody callin' me. Ain't nobody leavin' messages." Then I thought, "Why ain't I speaking propa English?" Is L.A. changing me? Hell no. Well, I gotta go and throw this food up.

- Kevin

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Come wid it!

Man, that Ahmadinejad ain't playing. "Do you think you are dealing with a four-year-old child to whom you can give some walnuts and chocolates and get gold from him?" He's coming all gansta with it. Or all Clint Eastwood. Or all alien monster from the first two movies. He gon' do what he gon' do, and forget what everybody else thinks. Kevin should write a rap about him. I mean, it's horrible and all, but it makes for great sketch comedy.

- Inda

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Kevin's Sky Judgement

Hello everybody! Yeah, just woke up and it is day two! It is 12:30 Chicago time! I saw Paul Mooney yesterday. That was funny because I hadn't even left the baggage claim and met a celebrity. One of my friends is on a hit Disney movie so we were walking around in some outdoor mall and some little kids saw her and were pointing and smiling. That was funny. Anyway, LA is different . . . different than Chicago. Too early to judge bad or good. The people are different. Oh, I got to ride first class on my connecting flight, because I am a celebrity . . . no because it's a friend's buddy pass and they had room.

So I have a connecting flight in Salt Lake City, Utah to go to LA. I gotta say just from flying over Salt Lake City, Utah and being there for the 55 minutes I was there I gotta say I have no interest in going back there. Which isn't really fair because I am basing my decision off what I saw from the air. My "sky judgement" I'll call it. Based on my sky judgement I was watching it and I was like ah, look at . . . all that . . .Salt Lake . . . City. The mountains were cool, then I thought about the plane crashing into the mountains and how if we did survive they probably would not be able to get to us on time because they would have to cross all that . . .Salt . . . Lake, then I started to think about LOST and what time it comes on in LA, and there are only three episodes left, and then I thought wow there is snow on top of the mountans NEAT!

Do you see where I am going? The Salt . . . Lake City could not keep my attention. And I have self- diagnosed A.D.D. so I need more than mountains and a Salt . . . Lake, to keep my attention. The other reason why I probably won't come back, and this is minor, while in the Salt Lake City airport, I noticed three Black people. One worked there, the other was being arrested, and I was the third, which means that 33% of the Black population of Utah is working, another 33% are arrested, and the last 33% are trying to get the fuck out!

- Kevin

Monday, May 15, 2006

This blog, ah, not so good.

(I was busy being a mom so I posted this -- Kevin's blog -- on Monday. Just pretend you're reading it on Sunday. - Inda)

Happy Mothers Day, you MUTHAS! I go to L.A. tomorrow!! Yeah!! I found a really good friend to babysit my car. Whatever, it was an easy sell: full tank of gas, two and a half weeks, and all you have to do is not get it towed or ticketed. Easy sell, especially for a non-car driver! Not making fun, I used to be one of those people. Although I can't imagine riding a nasty train or bus again, perish the thought. Once you go car (it's black) . . . you never go back. Unless gas is $3.05 a gallon and rising. Well, I am all packed and ready to go. My flight leaves at . . . who cares? Stop reading. This is boring. Oh wait read on . . .

So, this dude proposed at Flat Top Grill last night, yeah, at Flat Top. Yeah it was funny and I guess sweet, if you're into proposals and weddings and spending the rest or your life with someone and announcing it to the world.

I am at one of those really nice gyms that I will never be able to afford a membership for. Not that I won't ever afford a membership, more like I already pay monthly insurance on my car and i haven't used it yet, the same will happen with a gym. But i would hang on to it Just incase . . . in case i get FAT! I have a friend who works here. Same friend who I am letting borrow my car. Yes that was the trade off I work out . . . on my email, apparently . . . and I will her borrow my car. Man this blog sux. I do better late at night or really early in the morning. I am distracted by all the people coming in and out of the gym . . . "because they are beautiful?" you ask. No, because I have ADD. Beautiful people don't actually come to the gym. They don't need to work out. Their job is done. That's like . . . looking for weapons of mass destruction and NOT finding them and STILL occupying the country the WMDs were supposed to be in. Why stay when the job is done? ZING!

- Kevin

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Actor Evaluation

I recently had another couple of mediocre theatre auditions. Not mediocre for me. They were both pretty darn good...for me...I thought. But apparently not good enough. Apparently, I am mediocre compared to the actors who keep getting cast. Those actors not being me. But compared to the actors who audition for the roles that I do get, I'm pretty darn awesome. Or maybe those other women are having mediocre days. But how do you know? How do you know that you've actually done something cast-worthy, or at least callback-worthy? What about those times when you think you've "left some stank up in that room," as my buddy J. Nicole Brooks once put it, and then you don't even get called back? Were the other actors just that fantastic, or was your perspective of what is good and what is mediocre just skewed too far one way or the other? And who the heck is gonna tell you?

Wouldn't it be great if there were some sort of actor evaluation that your "boss" gives you once a year? Like they do for people with real jobs. Some feedback to be delivered. Some comments section to be filled out. Then you have an annual sit-down to discuss the evaluation. You talk about your job performance goals for the upcoming year, and what you can do toward them. After five and ten years on the job, you get to pick out some anniversary gift from a catalog. Like a telescope or a men's and women's watch set. Oh, and there's a 401K plan, too. That'd be cool. But the evaluation -- that's key. It could be from some Human Resources person or from your supervisor. But there'd be someone. Someone to tell you how you're doing.

I guess if you book and get cast, then that's your feedback right there, isn't it? You've got somebody offering you the gig and paying you money to do it. I know, there are a lot of factors that go into the casting process that may have nothing to do with who is the most talented, gifted actor. You might be too tall, too thin, your hair's too nappy, too straight, you don't look quite old enough for the role (I'm a 38-year-old woman, dammit!), you look too much like someone's ex who broke their heart twelve years ago, someone else is more likely to put out...anything. It could be anything that has nothing to do with your giftedness. But what if it has everything to do with you? Who's gonna tell you? How do you know?

Maybe you should just be a writer...

- Inda

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Kevin's Addiction

LA in 5 days! X-citing! I have an audition and it shoots the day after I leave. That would be awesome if I got it, yeah it would be worth coming back for. Anyway, what else? Oh, I will be bloggin' while in LA, 'cause I know ya'll will be curious.

MAN, if you all have not started watchiing LOST, or if you are one of those people (idiots) that thinks it's a cross between Gilligan's Island and Survivor, YOU need to start watching it! Well, actually, watch the first season on DVD first then watch the 2nd season over the summer in reruns. OH it is SOOOOOOOO good. Mainly because it's unpredictable. You don't know what's gonna happen. And any character could be killed off, unlike certain other shows with one lead actor...24, HA! Doesn't compare. Yeah I said it, Inda, WHAT! If 24 had any balls they would kill off Jack Bower or Bauer, oh they can't, ah, because if they did that there would be no more show. UNLIKE LOST!!!! WHAT!? Oh and have an open mind. Remember it's a TV show like no other and don't get too attached to the characters, because unlike 24CSISVUNYPDUNITSHIELD etc., anything can happen. And besides folks -- crime drama, come ON! You can watch the news! Some of you can just open your window or door. You see it every freakin' day! Why not try something different? Whateva! IT'S SOOOOOO good. I have not been this hooked to a show since He-Man.

Yes I am addicted. SO much so that if the phone rings during Lost, I don't answer it. Sometimes I even turn off the phone. Some people think that's crazy, but I think they're inconsiderate. Why? Because I can answer my phone any time during the day and after LOST. If you need me you have all day to call me. Don't call me on my break and my break is 8PM Central until 9:01PM Central. Besides, if it were an emergency what am I going to do that I can't do at 9:01 PM? (Yes 9:01 PM it's so good they gave the show an extra minute!) If it's a death I can't do anything but be sad. If it's an accident, I can't do anything but worry. And if you need to borrow money I can't do anything because I am broke. Point is don't call me during LOST. I don't have cable and that is my one show I watch all week...and Smallville, but I will answer the phone for Smallville...if it's a commercial.

- Kevin

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Can We All Just Get Along? or Sounds Like Kevin's Angry

Mr. George Bush, President of the United States of America

For sometime now I have been thinking, how one can justify the undeniable contradictions that exist in the international arena -- which are being constantly debated, especially in political forums and amongst university students. Many questions remain unanswered. These have prompted me to discuss some of the contradictions and questions, in the hopes that it might bring about an opportunity to redress them.

Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (PBUH), the great Messenger of God, Feel obliged to respect human rights,
Present liberalism as a civilization model,
Announce one’s opposition to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and WMDs,
Make “War on Terror” his slogan, And finally,
Work towards the establishment of a unified international community – a community which Christ and the virtuous of the Earth will one day govern, But at the same time, Have countries attacked. The lives, reputations and possessions of people destroyed and on the slight chance of the presence of a few criminals in a village, city, or convoy for example, the entire village, city or convoy set ablaze. Or because of the possibility of the existence of WMDs in one country, it is occupied, around one hundred thousand people killed, its water sources, agriculture and industry destroyed, close to 180,000 foreign troops put on the ground, sanctity of private homes of citizens broken, and the country pushed back perhaps fifty years. At what price? Hundreds of billions of dollars spent from the treasury of one country and certain other countries and tens of thousands of young men and women – as occupation troops – put in harms way, taken away from family and loved ones, their hands stained with the blood of others, subjected to so much psychological pressure that everyday some commit suicide and those returning home suffer depression, become sickly and grapple with all sorts of ailments; while some are killed and their bodies handed to their families. Nope, Kevin did not write this. This was an except from a letter written by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Now, I personally don't think anyone should have nukes. Especially a state that has clearly expressed its intent and willingness to use them on one particular other state. I'm just saying dude made some points in his letter that I've heard Americans make before as well. So what's the difference between the people of Iran and us? Smells like a scene's a brewin'. These Coloreds...Part 2...

- Inda

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Go With God

Well, I will be leaving for L.A. in a week just for a little Vacti - o -visit! Kind of exciting. Was there for like five days about five years ago. I am going there with no expectations. I mean it's only two and a half weeks...who knows what could happen? I love the advice that a lot of people give: "You know if you go out there, expect to not work for like two and a half years..." "You know everyone there is in the industry..." "You know it took me X amount of years to even get an agent..." I want to be like. "You know these nuts would feel better if your mouth was around them..." THEY ARE SO NEGATIVE! Most of them I didn't even ask. Unsolicited advice givin' pessimistic, dream-crushin' bastards!

Besides, I am going to try something that none of them tried. It's different and some may think crazy, but whatever, I am going to go out there...when I make the big move later...I am going to go out there with God. Yeah, I think I am going to try letting Him work it out. I know what you're thinking, "God? No one asks God for help unless they're in a dire situation..." Or maybe you were thinking, "Wait, is Kevin a Christian, didn't he just write something about nuts in someone's mouth?" Well, yes you are right. I am crazy because I am going out there with God. And the nuts thing, yeah, I'm working on it. Christians ain't perfect. Some of them are the worst people you will ever meet...yeah, I said it! But I digress. Bush is a Christian.

- Kevin

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I Don't Want Any Trouble

We went out to dinner for my husband's birthday the other night. It was late and the restaurant we wanted to go to was already closing...South Suburbs and all. We ended up going to a little pizzeria in Homewood. Nice little place.

There was a large party of White folk -- about six or seven people all in their 50s and 60s. There was also a large party of Black folk -- three kids around 10-12 years old and three men, all 40ish, who were watching the end of the Bulls game. Both groups were in the last stages of paying their bills, gathering themselves and their belongings, etc. The "Pink Party" was ready to leave first. The server took their check, said goodnight, and the people left. As the "Brown Party" began to stand up, the server and another employee began putting up chairs on top of the nearby tables. By the time the Brown Party got to the door to exit, every chair in the joint was up and the entire floor swept. Mind you, no frantic floor sweeping was going on as the Pink Party got up to leave. No "get the heck out" chair stacking. Not to mention that our pizza hadn't even arrived at our table yet. But let's not jump to conclusions. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps the staff was tired. Maybe this was the usual time that they began their side-work. I was a server once, too. Thus my savvy use of the restaurat lingo. No need to play the racism card. Yet.

The other employee (I'm sooo hoping he wasn't the manager) came over to our booth. I was partially blocked from his field of vision, so all he could see was my pale-complectioned, straight-haired, Innuit-looking husband and our two beige children. He said, "We're not trying to rush you guys. It's just they've been here since before the game started. They've had two bottles of wine and some beers. I don't want any trouble."

Now, this is a pizza joint. And the Brown Party bought and paid for two bottles of wine. Plus beers. I would think they would be the favored customers, since their check average was probably pretty good. Especially good for a Tuesday night. And they weren't drinking dangerous, trouble-maker drinks: shots of Tequila, Maddog 20/20, or OE. They were drinking wine and beer. Robert and I looked at each other after this man's last statement, "I don't want any trouble." We silently acknowledged to one another how wrong this statement was. We said nothing, and I hid behind Robert's head ever further, now hoping this man couldn't see me. He and the server cleared our plates -- we'd eaten our pizza as quickly as possible to get the heck up out of there. The server gave us our check as she and this the man helped clear away our straw wrappers and dirty napkins.

And then he said it again. For no apparent reason this time. Did he think we didn't hear him the first time? Did he really not see me or was it for my benefit that he repeated himself? Was he reiterating this ridiculous comment in order to get us on his side? Like, if he said it a certain way we would empathize with him? Or was it a warning to me? Oh, yeah, I'm so threatening. I'm a buck-twenty with my clothes on and I'm pretty darn wimpy-looking. But there it was. "I don't want any trouble." Thanks for that. Happy birthday, honey.

- Inda

Monday, May 01, 2006

The American Way

YEAH!!!!!! Wow. The show went great!!!! Real good. We would like to thank each and every one of you that came out and supported! Fantastic audience! We would also like to thank Jonathan Pitts, our AWESOME stage crew, and ALL of CIF!

Please keep checking in on the website for upcoming shows and new blogs. There are some big things happening to kevINda. BIG things. Like what, you ask? I don't know, I just have a feeling. And saying that big things are coming builds suspense. "BIG things COMING SOOOOOON" is better than, "Hey we hope that you guys will keep looking at our site for we hope that more things will be going on in the future for kevINda. Yeah, that sounded pathetic. BIG THINGS! BIG BIG THINGS COMING SOOOOON!!!! Much better.

Okay enough on that. I have two bloggy things to tell you:
1. I was watching this thing on the Bush dinner the other night. A clip. Some recent dinner, and he had a Bush impersonator next to him at a podium. The impersonator was his what he was really thinking when he is saying what he is saying in his speeches. And you know what -- it was actually pretty funny. Bush was, actually, funny on purpose. Yeah he made fun of himself. And yeah it was pretty funny. I mean it would have been a lot funnier if he was actually trying to fix the F*#ked up state of America and the world, and the war, and the endless list of things that Presidents should be doing instead of black-tie dinners where they make jokes about themselves, BUT it was still funny.

2. The other thingy was I saw Akeelah and the Bee and United 93. Both good movies. Should have seen United first and Akeelah second because United is not the most uplifting movie in the world. People have been saying how tastefully done it was. Personally, I think it would have been more tasteful to wait another 15 to 20 years, but hey that's just me and some of the people who actually lost a loved one on that flight, but you know how we Americans do, if it ain't about me it's okay. "Let's do a movie about making fun of midgets, I ain't a midget so it's fine, hey lets gentrify (definition: to move blacks out of neighborhood) this neighborhood, I ain't black so let's get the nig---s out, hey gays shouldn't get married, hey I'm not gay so no they shouldn't, people are dying over in many parts of Africa because of evil dictators, thousands are dying daily, I ain't African so who gives a F---!, and let's do a film about one of the 9/11 flights, because hey I wasn't on that plane so hey why not!" Yeah if it doesn't affect me it's okay, the American way! The other thing about the film. It was pretty objective for a movie based on phone calls, and speculation, but what was great was how everyone was like, "A hijacking, what! We ain't had a hijacking in like 20 years, whatever, get back to me when you have more info." That is hilarious because most Americans don't believe in precautions until after the fact. "Security? But we've never had a robbery, street lights? But we've never had a rape on our block, teaching kids about sex, why? Our kids aren't having sex!" So it takes something bad to happen before anyone even considers fixing the problem! Oh the American way. One more thing 'cause I'm on a roll, in the movie it took THREE F---ing PLANES to hit THREE different buildings before they decided to ground all planes and worse than that...oh this is good, they were not allowed to ground all planes until the President or at least Vice President gave permission...oh and the best part was at three different times they tried to reach one of them and people were like WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!!!!...yes I am paraphrasing...but they could not get a hold of them until after the fact! Our leaders, our country, our lives, I guess you deserve whatever you put up with. The American Way.

- Kevin