Disney, But Sincere
I was at an audition yesterday. I had two auditions and a callback, actually. God is good. How that happened is a story in itself. It's a "things happen for a reason" story. Yeah, another time.The reason for this blog is that I had this audition and I realized that the clients are never clear. As a matter a fact, they are usually contradictory with their direction and what they want. Now, mind you, I am saying clients not casting directors ('cause N'Word needs to work, nahmean?!). And it's across the board -- Chicago and L.A. clients. Here is the direction that I got today: "We need Disney, but sincere, not camp." Yeah, actors get directions like that all the time. "Okay we need her to be loose, but she's not a slut." "We need him to be intelligent, but stupid." "He's black, but he's allergic to chicken."- Kevin
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