
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hung Over or Drinking and Scientology

I am hung over. Mom, if you are reading, "hung over" is now slang for doing well...I saw a sketch comedy show last was definately sketch, but it lacked in comedy. I learned that having friends in the audience does not always help your show, but offering free beer to your audience, that is a great idea!!! The more beer I drank the better it got! Actually, the more beer I drank the more I needed to pee. No, I am not being an asshole nor am I saying that L.A. has bad sketch comedy. I am not one of those people that places judgement based on one experience...although I will never try cocaine again. Mom, "trying cocaine" is L.A. slang for driving fast.

I saw the Scientology building, the celebrity one which I guess is like the other ones in the world just more pretentious? It looks like a nice hotel. I didn't do the tour because I had an experience with the Scientologists at Southport and Lincoln (in Chicago). Yeah, they are kind of like car salesman...that work for the Devil. They keep trying to get you to join by asking you questions like: What you think life is, and what you think happens when you die, and do you think Tom Cruise is gay? Questions like that. Again, I am not one of those people who makes judgements based on one experience. But I just saw MI 3 and, come on, the tight jeans and the swishing? Tom Cruise is definately a Scientologist! The fake marriage and the fake child and the fake Katie Holmes -- that's Scientology at it's worst!

- Kevin


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