
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The American Way

YEAH!!!!!! Wow. The show went great!!!! Real good. We would like to thank each and every one of you that came out and supported! Fantastic audience! We would also like to thank Jonathan Pitts, our AWESOME stage crew, and ALL of CIF!

Please keep checking in on the website for upcoming shows and new blogs. There are some big things happening to kevINda. BIG things. Like what, you ask? I don't know, I just have a feeling. And saying that big things are coming builds suspense. "BIG things COMING SOOOOOON" is better than, "Hey we hope that you guys will keep looking at our site for we hope that more things will be going on in the future for kevINda. Yeah, that sounded pathetic. BIG THINGS! BIG BIG THINGS COMING SOOOOON!!!! Much better.

Okay enough on that. I have two bloggy things to tell you:
1. I was watching this thing on the Bush dinner the other night. A clip. Some recent dinner, and he had a Bush impersonator next to him at a podium. The impersonator was his what he was really thinking when he is saying what he is saying in his speeches. And you know what -- it was actually pretty funny. Bush was, actually, funny on purpose. Yeah he made fun of himself. And yeah it was pretty funny. I mean it would have been a lot funnier if he was actually trying to fix the F*#ked up state of America and the world, and the war, and the endless list of things that Presidents should be doing instead of black-tie dinners where they make jokes about themselves, BUT it was still funny.

2. The other thingy was I saw Akeelah and the Bee and United 93. Both good movies. Should have seen United first and Akeelah second because United is not the most uplifting movie in the world. People have been saying how tastefully done it was. Personally, I think it would have been more tasteful to wait another 15 to 20 years, but hey that's just me and some of the people who actually lost a loved one on that flight, but you know how we Americans do, if it ain't about me it's okay. "Let's do a movie about making fun of midgets, I ain't a midget so it's fine, hey lets gentrify (definition: to move blacks out of neighborhood) this neighborhood, I ain't black so let's get the nig---s out, hey gays shouldn't get married, hey I'm not gay so no they shouldn't, people are dying over in many parts of Africa because of evil dictators, thousands are dying daily, I ain't African so who gives a F---!, and let's do a film about one of the 9/11 flights, because hey I wasn't on that plane so hey why not!" Yeah if it doesn't affect me it's okay, the American way! The other thing about the film. It was pretty objective for a movie based on phone calls, and speculation, but what was great was how everyone was like, "A hijacking, what! We ain't had a hijacking in like 20 years, whatever, get back to me when you have more info." That is hilarious because most Americans don't believe in precautions until after the fact. "Security? But we've never had a robbery, street lights? But we've never had a rape on our block, teaching kids about sex, why? Our kids aren't having sex!" So it takes something bad to happen before anyone even considers fixing the problem! Oh the American way. One more thing 'cause I'm on a roll, in the movie it took THREE F---ing PLANES to hit THREE different buildings before they decided to ground all planes and worse than that...oh this is good, they were not allowed to ground all planes until the President or at least Vice President gave permission...oh and the best part was at three different times they tried to reach one of them and people were like WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!!!!...yes I am paraphrasing...but they could not get a hold of them until after the fact! Our leaders, our country, our lives, I guess you deserve whatever you put up with. The American Way.

- Kevin


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