
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Last Day in L.A.

Being here has taught me some things about myself, life, relationships, women, my career, people's character, and has had me question whether or not I want to move here. And the answer is yes. Sure it's only been two and a half weeks, and sure there are people here that are not in the best moral standing, sure I will have to "start over," sure kevINda will have to make some adjustments, and sure I'm drunk, but I think it's the best thing to do. (I'm not really drunk.)

The weather is ridiculous here and so are the ladies . . . and by ridiculous I mean beautiful . . . weather and women are not the reasons to move out here. And if you know me which most of you do not I am not the kind of guy who let's women influence my decisions . . . Inda and my mom are the exceptions. I have a lot of friends out here, more than I thought. A LOT of Chicago people, it's crazy. Lots of good people. that was a big influence.

Tonight I may go see a free screening of a movie that I would not pay to see . . . I think I am becoming elitist. Wow. Me? That's wierd. The first step is knowing you have the problem. It's really just frustration and not so much elitist-ness. What ever I need to tell my self right? I'll work on it. Actions speak louder than words, so I will show that I am superior rather than say it. Ah, I feel better already. Problem solved.

- Kevin


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