
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Kevin's Addiction

LA in 5 days! X-citing! I have an audition and it shoots the day after I leave. That would be awesome if I got it, yeah it would be worth coming back for. Anyway, what else? Oh, I will be bloggin' while in LA, 'cause I know ya'll will be curious.

MAN, if you all have not started watchiing LOST, or if you are one of those people (idiots) that thinks it's a cross between Gilligan's Island and Survivor, YOU need to start watching it! Well, actually, watch the first season on DVD first then watch the 2nd season over the summer in reruns. OH it is SOOOOOOOO good. Mainly because it's unpredictable. You don't know what's gonna happen. And any character could be killed off, unlike certain other shows with one lead actor...24, HA! Doesn't compare. Yeah I said it, Inda, WHAT! If 24 had any balls they would kill off Jack Bower or Bauer, oh they can't, ah, because if they did that there would be no more show. UNLIKE LOST!!!! WHAT!? Oh and have an open mind. Remember it's a TV show like no other and don't get too attached to the characters, because unlike 24CSISVUNYPDUNITSHIELD etc., anything can happen. And besides folks -- crime drama, come ON! You can watch the news! Some of you can just open your window or door. You see it every freakin' day! Why not try something different? Whateva! IT'S SOOOOOO good. I have not been this hooked to a show since He-Man.

Yes I am addicted. SO much so that if the phone rings during Lost, I don't answer it. Sometimes I even turn off the phone. Some people think that's crazy, but I think they're inconsiderate. Why? Because I can answer my phone any time during the day and after LOST. If you need me you have all day to call me. Don't call me on my break and my break is 8PM Central until 9:01PM Central. Besides, if it were an emergency what am I going to do that I can't do at 9:01 PM? (Yes 9:01 PM it's so good they gave the show an extra minute!) If it's a death I can't do anything but be sad. If it's an accident, I can't do anything but worry. And if you need to borrow money I can't do anything because I am broke. Point is don't call me during LOST. I don't have cable and that is my one show I watch all week...and Smallville, but I will answer the phone for Smallville...if it's a commercial.

- Kevin


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