
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Summer Movies

Hello everybody!!

This summer has been good, thus far, for me and I think for kevINda. Kinda chill. Some stuff is poppin' off and life is good. But the SUMMER MOVIES HAVE SUCKED!!!! Oh my gosh, did you see Lady in the Water? She should have stayed in the water. What about Waist Deep? Yeah they didn't finish THAT title...and they should never have finished making that movie. Devil Wears Prada...Meryl Streep single-handedly saved that movie, 'cause that heifer Anne Hathaway, or her character rather, should have quit her job. Why do White women stay where the monster is, and go out where the killer is, and stay at jobs where their bosses are BITCHES!!! Didn't really care about her. And why did she have to sleep with that dude?...saw it coming and it weakened her character even more. Superman Returns...why did he? Kidding. Superman Returns -- not bad, just loooooong. Oh, and watch the end of that movie. Is Brian Singer (the director) PROMOTING dead-beat dads?

Well, that is all I have seen this summer. Yes, quite disappointing, Hollywood. People, I hope I saved you from wasting any of your hard earned dollars. Dollars that would have been better spent on gas...which will soon cost as much as a movie...per gallon.

Side note: I had a conversation with an aspiring rapper recently who apparently thinks that hippety hop is a good way to get into the "acting game," as he put it. Yeah, that's why we get BULLSHIT LIKE WAIST DEEP.

- Kevin

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Thank You!

We had so much fun performing last night. I only hope that shows through in the DVD. And I think we were funny, too. But we really had fun. That was cool.

Thanks so much to each and every person who came out to support and show love. And drink our free booze. We love you!

Thanks to Jenny Gribble for filming, to Reggie Lawrence for setting us up at the prop theatre, to Larry Nance for running lights and sound, and to Trayce @ Sankofa for the fantastic new hair. May I no longer get mistaken for Tam. Until she changes her hair.

- Inda

Friday, July 14, 2006

We Got Ice???

And he thinks I'm the dork? - Inda

Kevin's Rap

kevINda in the house. And performing for free.
You'll be laughin' hard, so come and see.
Get laughs recorded on the DVD,
Tuesday the 18th @ 7:30,
3502-4 N. Elston Ave.
Take CTA or hop in a cab.
The theatre is called -- The Prop!
New material is -- what we got!
Wine and beer to get you NICE.
Performers will be hot, but we got ice.
Be on time, so pretend you're white.
Blacks, don't perpetuate the stereotype.
We love you all and your support
Sure I made this up, but Inda's the dork.

- Kevin

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Stalking by E-Mail

I send out a goodly amount of e-mails when Kevin and I have a performance coming up. And whenever I'm in a play. And when Blaxploitation is running, since I co-wrote it. Okay, so maybe I bug people just a bit with my e-mail announcements. But there is a big difference between reminding friends/family/associates who have a proven history of attending my shows, and just plain stalking someone who you barely know. Those "barely know" folks -- they tend to be on the cusp of your radar for a reason. They will probably never come out to support your little endeavors. And yet you keep sending the e-mails.

Here are a couple of situations:

If you barely speak to me, much less have never actually had a conversation with me in real, waking life -- don't e-mail me.

If I'm about to be run over by a bus and you have to shout out, "Hey you!" because you aren't able to associate my face with my name -- don't e-mail me.

If you think my name is kevINda and I don't really exist for you without my Kevin -- don't e-mail me.

If you got my e-mail address off of someone else's list only because they failed to blind-CC the 468 Chicago actors on their list -- don't e-mail me.

Okay, e-mail me once. Once in a while. But more than three e-mails in one day is a bit much, don't ya think? Just a little excessive? And chastising me for not showing up to some sporting event that you -- for some ungodly reason -- expected me to attend and participate in, when I've never even met you...? It's too much. You've crossed that line. You are no longer the information-passer-onner. You have become an e-mail stalker.

There needs to be some sort of restraining order for e-mails. I don't want to block you. Not completely. I don't. Because there's that off chance that you might just send something of interest to me. You might e-mail something that could change my life. And maybe that's why you do it. Ah, the rationale of the stalker. I feel closer to you now. I almost understand you. We should hang out. I'll e-mail you.

- Inda

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Seattle Schedule

Been dying to know when you can catch kevINda on the West Coast? Well, here are our performance dates and times for the upcoming Seattle Sketch Fest:

Friday, September 15th, at 10:00 p.m. Saturday, September 16th, at 8:00 p.m.

Friday we're performing on a double bill with Summer of Tears from L.A. and Saturday we're with Becky and Noelle out of N.Y.

Feel free to visit for more details.

Me, Myself and the Triple K's

It has been a little bit for the blog. Sorry folks. kevINda will be performing their show . . . our show? . . . on JULY 18th @ 7:30 p.m. details on the Upcoming Shows section of Absolutely FREE AND FREE BEER and WINE!!! WHAT!?!?!?! Yes. So people come and bring friends and if you are NOT in town tell a friend who lives here. Okay, enough plugging...

You ever miss an opportunity and then the opportunity gets put back in your life years later? Yeah, what's that called? Whatever it's called, it's freakin' sweeeeet! That's all on that.


So, I thought I had writers block the other day and then I realized it's because nothing has really pissed me off, and then I asked myself,
"K Dizzle?"
"Yes Myself?" ('Cause Myself calls Me K Dizzle.)
"Why has nothing pissed you off?"
"Well, maybe it's because so much good has been happening?"
"But K Dizzle, that would imply that only bad things usually happen to you."
We all laughed. That's when I chimed in, "Good point."

So Me, Myself, K DIzzle and I were pondering for what seemed like minutes about what the problem might be and then it hit me...actually I hit Myself...and I realized that I have not read a newspaper or watched the news or spoken to any one negati--, that's not true. I speak to negative people ALLL the they bring me down, you should read some of my previous blogs, you would think I was one of them, but I digress...what was I saying? Oh, nothing has pissed me off because I have been surrounding myself with GOODNESS. So I immediately turned on Fox news and the BBC, and looked up everything on the War and the world and thought about my Ex, and thought about rappers with film contracts, and looked up the KKK website -- which is hilarious by the way. I think they still use the software that was used for The Commodore 64. I see why they're angry. The NAACP website is high tech, meanwhile the Klan had their website done by 5th graders -- oops -- I mean adults with the education of 5th graders. Kidding. Don't want to offend the Triple K's. They should update their name. The Triple K's. Doesn't that sound more like an organization you'd want to join? THE TRIPLE K's%2

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Seattle Sketch Fest Details

We ain't got none...yet! But we'll let you know as soon as we get our exact performance dates. Be there or be square.

- Inda