
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Kevin's Sky Judgement

Hello everybody! Yeah, just woke up and it is day two! It is 12:30 Chicago time! I saw Paul Mooney yesterday. That was funny because I hadn't even left the baggage claim and met a celebrity. One of my friends is on a hit Disney movie so we were walking around in some outdoor mall and some little kids saw her and were pointing and smiling. That was funny. Anyway, LA is different . . . different than Chicago. Too early to judge bad or good. The people are different. Oh, I got to ride first class on my connecting flight, because I am a celebrity . . . no because it's a friend's buddy pass and they had room.

So I have a connecting flight in Salt Lake City, Utah to go to LA. I gotta say just from flying over Salt Lake City, Utah and being there for the 55 minutes I was there I gotta say I have no interest in going back there. Which isn't really fair because I am basing my decision off what I saw from the air. My "sky judgement" I'll call it. Based on my sky judgement I was watching it and I was like ah, look at . . . all that . . .Salt Lake . . . City. The mountains were cool, then I thought about the plane crashing into the mountains and how if we did survive they probably would not be able to get to us on time because they would have to cross all that . . .Salt . . . Lake, then I started to think about LOST and what time it comes on in LA, and there are only three episodes left, and then I thought wow there is snow on top of the mountans NEAT!

Do you see where I am going? The Salt . . . Lake City could not keep my attention. And I have self- diagnosed A.D.D. so I need more than mountains and a Salt . . . Lake, to keep my attention. The other reason why I probably won't come back, and this is minor, while in the Salt Lake City airport, I noticed three Black people. One worked there, the other was being arrested, and I was the third, which means that 33% of the Black population of Utah is working, another 33% are arrested, and the last 33% are trying to get the fuck out!

- Kevin


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