
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Monday, May 15, 2006

This blog, ah, not so good.

(I was busy being a mom so I posted this -- Kevin's blog -- on Monday. Just pretend you're reading it on Sunday. - Inda)

Happy Mothers Day, you MUTHAS! I go to L.A. tomorrow!! Yeah!! I found a really good friend to babysit my car. Whatever, it was an easy sell: full tank of gas, two and a half weeks, and all you have to do is not get it towed or ticketed. Easy sell, especially for a non-car driver! Not making fun, I used to be one of those people. Although I can't imagine riding a nasty train or bus again, perish the thought. Once you go car (it's black) . . . you never go back. Unless gas is $3.05 a gallon and rising. Well, I am all packed and ready to go. My flight leaves at . . . who cares? Stop reading. This is boring. Oh wait read on . . .

So, this dude proposed at Flat Top Grill last night, yeah, at Flat Top. Yeah it was funny and I guess sweet, if you're into proposals and weddings and spending the rest or your life with someone and announcing it to the world.

I am at one of those really nice gyms that I will never be able to afford a membership for. Not that I won't ever afford a membership, more like I already pay monthly insurance on my car and i haven't used it yet, the same will happen with a gym. But i would hang on to it Just incase . . . in case i get FAT! I have a friend who works here. Same friend who I am letting borrow my car. Yes that was the trade off I work out . . . on my email, apparently . . . and I will her borrow my car. Man this blog sux. I do better late at night or really early in the morning. I am distracted by all the people coming in and out of the gym . . . "because they are beautiful?" you ask. No, because I have ADD. Beautiful people don't actually come to the gym. They don't need to work out. Their job is done. That's like . . . looking for weapons of mass destruction and NOT finding them and STILL occupying the country the WMDs were supposed to be in. Why stay when the job is done? ZING!

- Kevin


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