I went to lunch with a friend yesterday at an Asian noodle restaurant. You know, they have 20 different noodle bowls you can order, along with a few rice dishes and appetizers. I decided to try something I'd never had before. No wild ingredients, just a dish that I hadn't had the opportunity to sample before now. I love ordering new things. I'm an adventurous eater. I'll try anything. So I ordered my dish quite confidently, very pleased with myself for possessing this quality.The server gave me this judgmental look and asked, "Have you had that before?" "No," I replied enthusiastically, ready to try something new. "You should get the Pad Thai," she told me. Just like that. Just flat. No reason why. No "this dish is really kinda shitty and we should really take it off the menu" explanation. Just "You should get the Pad Thai." Now, I've got nothing against Pad Thai. I've had it probably 50 times. In fact, I love Pad Thai. But that's not what I wanted this time. If I'd wanted Pad Thai I would have ordered Pad Thai. But apparently, I was wrong. And I let this woman talk me out of getting what I'd really wanted. Just like I'd let the mechanic talk me into getting my tires rotated when all I'd needed was an oil change earlier in the day. Just like later that day I bought an XM home kit from the guy in the electronics department at Walmart when all I went in there for was toilet paper. I don't think I should order/buy things on Tuesdays. I shouldn't shop at all on Tuesdays. Apparently, I do it wrong. By the way, I didn't order the Pad Thai. I got curry noodles. Didn't like it. Too much broth.
- Inda
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