
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


That's the number of Illinois voters who, yesterday, voted for John Edwards. The man isn't even running anymore! There are 37,835 adults, with the right and the ability to vote, who cast a ballot for a man who announced that he's no longer running. Edwards didn't whisper it to one or two people and then slink away. He ANNOUNCED that he's no longer in the game! He basically said, "Don't vote for me! Vote for someone who is not me because I am no longer running. Oh, by the way, don't vote for me."

Granted, there wasn't enough time to reprint the ballots and his name was right there along with the other candidates still in the race. But if Gumby's name were accidentally printed, somebody probably would have voted for him, too.

Among these 37,835, surely there are parents raising children. And there are probably loads of licensed drivers operating heavy machinery on the roadways. There are people with bank accounts -- hell, some of the 37,835 may even be in charge of your money. God forbid there are teachers, pharmacists, construction workers amongst the group.

I don't have anything against the man. If neither Obama nor Clinton were running and Edwards were suddenly back in the race, I may have voted for him myself. Nothing against him. I have a huge something against people bringing their cluelessness into the voting booth. Maybe you don't know every bill that your candidate has supported on in the past. Maybe you don't know what his/her stance was on every issue that went through Congress. But not knowing if they are even running?! It's bad enough that no one checks for i.d. when you go to vote. Maybe now there needs to be a check for i.q. as well.

- Inda


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