
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

X-Men or the Mann Chinese Theatre owes me $12!

I have four or five more days here.

Saw X-Men 3 last night. Hmm . . .

We stood in line at the Mann Chinese Man Theatre. We got there two hours early to get good seats. Was not worth the wait. X-Men 3 sucked! Awful. People cheered after every preview and I was the only one that clapped after The Omen accident. I thought everyone was gonna do it. Then at the end of the movie people were applauding after every name that was in the credits. I was like, "This isn't a play!?" And the movie was awful...but of course some of the people involved in the movie were in the audience. It was still awful. How does that happen? The first two were great! But I guess greed F#*KS you everytime! The Mann Chinese Theatre is huge and beautiful. Movie was still not worth the wait or even the 12 dollars. I would rather have paid 12 dollars to get a full tour of the Mann Chinese Theatre. Wow, hollywood is REALLY good at f*#king good things up when they aren't broken. They are consistent at that. Can't wait to move here just to get behind the scenes and see how that type of s#*t happens.

Here is what is going to happen, I predict:
I am going to create and/or star in an awesome TV show and things are going to go really well and the ratings are going to be off the chain! I am going to be famous because of this show...and then they(Hollywood) are going to offer me 50 million dollars, or more, and give me a cut of the DVD sales and some other perks! And then the small print ('cause who reads the small print?) will read, "We need you to alter/change some things, we need you to not do this so much, or say that so much, or not be so Black, or not talk about so-and-so and we want you to somehow -- after we have taken away everything good and talented about you -- we somehow want you to give us the same product...only better. Oh, Hollywood. I CAN'T WAIT TO MOVE HERE!!!!

- Kevin


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