
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Kevin's Super Power

I signed up for a charity yesterday. Why? Why not? We should all be giving back to the world and by "world" I mean those less fortunate. I think we as a wealthy super power have a responsibility, and when you die, guess what? You don't get to take any of your wealth with you. Being in L.A. I have had the opportunity to hang around and see alot of people with more money than they know what to do with. Kind of, not the wealth, but them driving their 2008 (yes 2008 because they are that rich) Escalades in puddles that splash on the homeless man sleeping on the bus stop bench. THAT's disturbing.

I know God wants us to be rich and prosperous, but I don't think God wants us to be heartless and greedy. Think about that the next time you are on your cell phone with internet access, watching TiVo direct satellite TV in your 500 dollar jeans laying on your 4,000 dollar sofa in your three story condo in your beautiful clean neighborhood in your wonderfully rich, warmongering super power of a country...or just continue to live your life as if tomorrow is promised.

- Kevin


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