8 days until CIF!!!! WOOHOO!!! I still have to write a scene (related to the White house), but stuff is happening everyday in that White House. If I could be a fly on those walls...I would probably...know just as much as we know now. I bet alot goes on in there, like sleeping and eating and corruption, and eating and lying and some sex, plotting, and I bet some TV watching...no, a lot of TV watching, there are probably like poker parties...haha POKE HER. Oh, how I miss Clinton. I bet they don't do anything related to work in the White House. I think it's a front, like the only time they work is when camera crews are coming, "Oh Shit CNN! Back to Work. Phew, they're gone back to poker." So it's late (1AM) and I am tired, but I will share this: I was doing some research for a sketch I am writing and did you know that, well here read the following:
The Republican Party was born in the early 1850's by anti-slavery activists and individuals who believed that government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge. The first informal meeting of the party took place in Ripon, Wisconsin.
Republicans ANTI-SLAVERY ACTIVISTS! Yeah crazy, eh? Come on, I'm not the only one that didn't know that? Anyway, that's funny because Republicans today are ALOT different. One might even say they've regressed. I lived in Texas for a lot of my life...was not born there -- lets make that clear. In school they didn't teach that stuff. Or maybe they were teaching that, but I was too busy wondering why the White kids were staring at me everytime they mentioned slaves or Black people in our history books. Yeah, don't get me started on Texas. Too late.
My high school mascot was the Confederate flag, yeah, I have pictures. And, yeah, they sang Dixie, "Wish I were in the land of cotton..." Yeah F*#$ing Dixie. At the time I was not offended because I was still learning about this country and the racism in it, but yeah, Dixie and Rebel Flag. It was like 1894, but it was really 1994. Crazy! And my senior year they decided not to fly the flag anymore...AFTER my senior year. So yeah, it's on my diploma. Yeah, on my F*#$king diploma. Ah Texas. Good old Texas. What's funny is that "some" Texans, the special ones, are gonna read this and be like:
SPECIAL TEXAN: Well fuck you get out of my state...
Which I did. Special Texans don't ask why one "might" be offended or why one "might" feel a certain way about a flag that represents a time when people with my complexion were treated a little worse than a dog.
SPECIAL TEXAN: It ain't racist. It's tradition!
Yeah and so was slavery. Wow. Where did all that come from? Better to let it all out with a keyboard than with a gun.
- Kevin