
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I have had a recurring/ongoing migraine since last Thursday. All day Thursday. All day Friday. It went away Saturday. Stayed away Sunday. It came back Monday. And I woke up with it again today. Our tech rehearsal for our CIF show on Friday is up in the air. My roof has a leak. It's supposed to rain all day today. I haven't had an audition in a month. Or a residual check. And my head freakin' hurts!!!

I know, I know...this is one of those "look on the bright side" moments. This is one of those moments I should open up my Joel Osteen book and dwell on the goodness of the Lord and have faith that it's all about to turn around for the good. I get all of that. I do. But my head hurts.

Kevin's shooting a commercial today. He's been auditioning like crazy. He's joining the union. He's moving to L.A. soon. And I'll be right here. With a headache and two kids. Oh, and my husband. Make that three kids. Ooh, look at me being all bitter and jealous. I'm happy for Kevin. Really. I am. I just want some of my youth back. Right now. And some opportunities. And some money. And some Imitrex.

Enough about us. Let's get back to Bush...

- Inda


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