Here's what happens in
my season finale of Entourage, the one that plays in my head, because I'm so sick of those rich-ass, lazy, misogynistic, unaffected assholes:1. Medellin sucks at Cannes.2. Back in LA, Ari's wife leaves him.3. Billy finds the bullets and goes on a murder/suicide spree, killing his girlfriend and then himself.4. Turtle smokes some PCP-laced weed and crashes his (oops, I mean Vince's) car.5. E, in the meantime, has taken the wrong plane back from France and ends up in Darfur. Nuff said.6. Turtle just so happened to have had naked photos in the car at the time of his crash. They were of his "female Turtle" girlfriend
(whatever happened to her?... oh, that's right, it was a real storyline) and turns out she's underage. Now some big, lonely prisoner is yelling, "Oh, Turtle!"7. Drama... Drama doesn't bother me, actually, so he goes to work and does his job. There.8. Vince finds out he's HIV positive. 'Cuz he's a whore.9. LLOYD STARTS HIS OWN BOUTIQUE AGENCY AND HE'S A HUGE SUCCESS!
- Inda