R. Kelly's trial for having sex with and pissing on a child while videotaping the acts has been delayed yet again. Oh, that's right, we're supposed to front and call it a
child pornography case. Because as bad as
child pornography sounds, it still gives some distance and doesn't sound quite as bad as
PISSING ON A CHILD AND FU*KING THE CHILD WHILE VIDEOTAPING YOURSELF PISSING ON AND FU*KING A CHILD. So that's what we'll call it. Child pornography.This time it's the prosecution's side. It happened (allegedly... we're supposed to front and say that, right?) in 2002 and dude's been making money and records and those ridonkulous (as in stupid -- as in bad -- it's not slang anymore, people, I mean they're HORRIBLE) Trapped in the Closet videos and this thing still hasn't gone to trial. We're all trapped.
And don't ya dare say that we're supposed to support the brotha because he's a brotha. I don't care if he's Black Jesus -- if he pisses on a child and has sex with the child, he's not worth support. I can't even make any jokes about it. Probably because I have kids. Not as old as the one in question. And the scary thing is that at 10, my daughter probably has better judgment than that girl did. But he was a full-grown man. And wrong is wrong. And none of that b.s. about innocent until proven guilty. I live in the Chi. Or the suburbs thereof. Everybody who's been here for any length of time can attest to his affinity for the youngens. And everybody who's dared watch the tape... ooh, I'm just getting myself all worked up. Where's the funny?
- Inda
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