I love you both!
I love my new boobies. Both of them. Thanks for asking.- Inda
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.
My boob job is tomorrow morning! How exciting. Has nothing to do with acting or sketch or kevINda. Just thought I'd share.- Inda
Check out this week's Hollywood Reporter for a mention (two, actually) of kevINda in their section dedicated to the HBO US Comedy Arts Festival. - Inda
We had a HUGE audience tonight. HUGE. Great show!
The ladies from Moist invited us back to their condo for a get-together afterward. Best guacamole ever! That's Will Greenberg (Summer of Tears) and Pat O'Brien (Misled) at the condo. Will does an amazing Matthew McConaughey impersonation, by the way. If you ever meet him, make sure the first thing you say to him is, "Hey, it's the McConaughey guy." He loves that!
After the Moist social, Kevin and I went to the Sierra Mist Lounge and drank and ping-ponged and mingled. Yes, I finally decided to be "approachable" (thanks, Tam) and talked to people. Turned out there were lots of people there who had seen our show and really liked it. We made our first industry contacts and it turned out that they really liked our show as well. See, all that crying this morning was for nothing, Kevin.
Before we left the Lounge, Katt Williams and his people walked in. He has this gigantic bodyguard and the sea of people just parted to let them through. Kevin and I gave a look-there's-another-Black-person-head-nod and moved out of their way. Turned out, they were heading for us intentionally. Katt had heard and read about us and our show, and he was coming over to introduce himself. He said he's coming to see our final show tomorrow and wanted to be put on a list. List?! Dude is the closing special event of the Festival and he's trying to get put on a list to see kevINda?!!! Has the world gone mad? Indeed.
We have a local TV interview in the morning and I'm sleepy... so read, enjoy, and we'll let you know how our final days in Aspen go.
- Inda