
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Old People Have Issues

I have been working out quite a bit this year. So ladies... whatever. Man, I have been really busy, hence the no blogging. Now I am back. I am bloggin' like crazy!

The Chicago SketchFest, Brian Posen, Marshall Givens and the whole crew -- kevINda would like to say thanks. It was AWESOME!!! If you all have not experienced the Chicago SketchFest, that is a must before you die. There are SOOOOOOO many people and soooooooo many performers. I saw 20 groups or more... oh, because it's free for performers. If I lived closer I would have seen more. Saw two really good groups from my homeland (CANADA) they were The Skinny and Dance Party of Newfoundland. Yeah, good stuff and a bunch of great stuff from Chicago, NY and LA. I had to specify the Canadians because I gotta represent the CA... not California. That's just what I --

Okay, what else? It's cold as ___________. I like that. Let's do a fill in the blank blog. Bush is sending more troops to Iraq. What a _______________ idea! Okay, enough before I get _______ed. I have been watching 24. Inda, you were right... man, you were right. I still love LOST, but man that is a good _____________ show! I am on Season 5. I have one and a half disks left. Inda, hopefully, has the new season on DVR(per my request) or else I am ___________ and will have to wait until next ___________ year to watch this season. Such a good show. Man, after watching it I feel like I can kick anyone's _______ and solve any problem. Like the other day there was an old white lady who clearly needed help with her groceries and I went to help her and she got scared. So I became Jack Bauer and yelled, "LISTEN I AM ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU DON'T be afraid!! IT'S THE YEAR 2007 GET OVER YOUR LITTLE RACIAL ISSUES and let me help you!!!" She started to scream and I started to run and as I was running, I realized I still had one of her grocery bags in my hand. I thought, man, Jack Bauer would not have ran off. Man, I am a ____sy and old white people are ungrateful. I don't know what I 'm going to do with the denture tablets, but I sure could use the eggs. BLACKOUT.

- Kevin

Friday, January 12, 2007

Us Too?

Here is a copy of my recent letter to a Chicago company. Dang, I wish I could write a sketch about it... but I already did.

Dear Soul Salon Spa,

I found it offensive when White-owned companies began exploiting Dr. King's legacy to make a buck (Bay Furniture and Aaronson Furniture, for example). Someone just e-mailed me Soul Salon Spa's ad for the Dr. King Day Special and I realized the true meaning of the word offensive. It is not a clever marketing tactic. It's insensitive and manipulative and to twist his words and commercialize his legacy. It's even worse when we do it.

Please feel free to pass this on to the appropriate individual(s).

- Inda