Old People Have Issues
I have been working out quite a bit this year. So ladies... whatever. Man, I have been really busy, hence the no blogging. Now I am back. I am bloggin' like crazy!
The Chicago SketchFest, Brian Posen, Marshall Givens and the whole crew -- kevINda would like to say thanks. It was AWESOME!!! If you all have not experienced the Chicago SketchFest, that is a must before you die. There are SOOOOOOO many people and soooooooo many performers. I saw 20 groups or more... oh, because it's free for performers. If I lived closer I would have seen more. Saw two really good groups from my homeland (CANADA) they were The Skinny and Dance Party of Newfoundland. Yeah, good stuff and a bunch of great stuff from Chicago, NY and LA. I had to specify the Canadians because I gotta represent the CA... not California. That's just what I --
Okay, what else? It's cold as ___________. I like that. Let's do a fill in the blank blog. Bush is sending more troops to Iraq. What a _______________ idea! Okay, enough before I get _______ed. I have been watching 24. Inda, you were right... man, you were right. I still love LOST, but man that is a good _____________ show! I am on Season 5. I have one and a half disks left. Inda, hopefully, has the new season on DVR(per my request) or else I am ___________ and will have to wait until next ___________ year to watch this season. Such a good show. Man, after watching it I feel like I can kick anyone's _______ and solve any problem. Like the other day there was an old white lady who clearly needed help with her groceries and I went to help her and she got scared. So I became Jack Bauer and yelled, "LISTEN I AM ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU DON'T be afraid!! IT'S THE YEAR 2007 GET OVER YOUR LITTLE RACIAL ISSUES and let me help you!!!" She started to scream and I started to run and as I was running, I realized I still had one of her grocery bags in my hand. I thought, man, Jack Bauer would not have ran off. Man, I am a ____sy and old white people are ungrateful. I don't know what I 'm going to do with the denture tablets, but I sure could use the eggs. BLACKOUT.
- Kevin