
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Me, Myself and the Triple K's

It has been a little bit for the blog. Sorry folks. kevINda will be performing their show . . . our show? . . . on JULY 18th @ 7:30 p.m. details on the Upcoming Shows section of Absolutely FREE AND FREE BEER and WINE!!! WHAT!?!?!?! Yes. So people come and bring friends and if you are NOT in town tell a friend who lives here. Okay, enough plugging...

You ever miss an opportunity and then the opportunity gets put back in your life years later? Yeah, what's that called? Whatever it's called, it's freakin' sweeeeet! That's all on that.


So, I thought I had writers block the other day and then I realized it's because nothing has really pissed me off, and then I asked myself,
"K Dizzle?"
"Yes Myself?" ('Cause Myself calls Me K Dizzle.)
"Why has nothing pissed you off?"
"Well, maybe it's because so much good has been happening?"
"But K Dizzle, that would imply that only bad things usually happen to you."
We all laughed. That's when I chimed in, "Good point."

So Me, Myself, K DIzzle and I were pondering for what seemed like minutes about what the problem might be and then it hit me...actually I hit Myself...and I realized that I have not read a newspaper or watched the news or spoken to any one negati--, that's not true. I speak to negative people ALLL the they bring me down, you should read some of my previous blogs, you would think I was one of them, but I digress...what was I saying? Oh, nothing has pissed me off because I have been surrounding myself with GOODNESS. So I immediately turned on Fox news and the BBC, and looked up everything on the War and the world and thought about my Ex, and thought about rappers with film contracts, and looked up the KKK website -- which is hilarious by the way. I think they still use the software that was used for The Commodore 64. I see why they're angry. The NAACP website is high tech, meanwhile the Klan had their website done by 5th graders -- oops -- I mean adults with the education of 5th graders. Kidding. Don't want to offend the Triple K's. They should update their name. The Triple K's. Doesn't that sound more like an organization you'd want to join? THE TRIPLE K's%2


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