
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oh, Kunta!

This was in Sunday's Chicago Tribune:

Aid workers in the Horn of Africa were stunned recently when most of roughly 4,000 refugees in war-torn Eritrea who were offered resettlement to the United States declined. Why? Local rebels who depend on the tribesmen for recruits and war taxes had been showing old episodes of "Roots" to the refugees to convince them that slavery awaits them in America. Most of the refugees duped by the rebels won't get a second chance at entering the U.S.

- Inda

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Transformers... More Than Meets The Eye?

Before I comment on Transformers, did you hear they buried the N-Word in Detroit? Yeah, the NAACP did like a symbolic funeral for the word... too much funny with that. My head is gonna explode with the amount of funny that brings. Anyway, while the NAACP is moving our race forward. Hollywood is SETTING it back:

"How, Kevin?" you might ask. Transformers. Ah, it was okay. I mean, I wish there were more Transformers and less Anthony Anderson. He played the comic relief. Black people playing scared in films is a lot funnier than White people playing scared in films. And Anthony Anderson is real good at it, check his bio on He plays the scared N-Word in a lot of his movies. He has down to a science. He is The Scared Negro Master. He was pretty unnecessary in the film though. Well, alot of things were unnecessary in that film, like the twenty-minute scene with the Transformers hiding in the backyard. Yeah, ridiculous. Michael Bay, two hours and forty minutes, really? I could have knocked that movie out in an hour twenty. If Michael Bay put as much effort in to script detail as he did in showing the curves on the hot actress playing the love interest, the movie would have been awesome. Loved the Transformers as a child and even in the film, but the love story -- though the girl was hot -- was unnecessary. Oh, and back to Hollywood setting back the race (as if the Anthony Anderson stuff were not enough), I liked the African-American Transformer JAZZ, I liked that his first line was, "What's up Bitches!" and that he had an urban dialect to show that he was black. But I really knew he was black when they killed him. Yes, the only GOOD transformer they killed was the Black one.

Well, at least we buried the N-WORD; that's a step forward.

- Kevin