
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

kevINda Gets Some Press!

Here's a snippet of Steve Heisler's article. Click this link to read the full article, and this link to read the Chicago Sun-Times article from earlier this week.

- Inda

Time Out Chicago / Issue 163 : Apr 10–16, 2008

Diverse engineering

African-American sketch and improv comics continue to create.

By Steve Heisler

“Audiences tend to be surprised,” says Inda Craig-Galván, half of the politically charged sketch duo kevINda. “They’ll come up to us after our show and say, ‘You guys are so smart.’ It’s like they expected us to buffoon and do Jimmie J.J. Walker.” She isn’t talking about some long-ago show or backwoods venue. Her group—which will join Schadenfreude at Steppenwolf’s Celebration of Chicago Sketch Comedy Monday 14—performs for Los Angeles industry folk and audiences at national comedy festivals. The reality is that even for African-American sketch and improv groups that find success, the going remains rough.

kevINda storms Steppenwolf Monday 14, and Pimprov struts to CIC Saturday 12.

There's a lot more! Read the article!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Ease on Down

I just finished taping the pilot for WTTW's new show, IL Informed, which features sketch comedy, interviews with Chicago politicians, and one incredibly cute lion. IL Informed was written by Schadenfreude, most of whom perform in the pilot. It also features me, Ithamar Enriquez and Joe Canale. The show airs May 4th at 10pm. It will be rebroadcast throughout that week, and we'll post all of the dates and times as it gets closer.

- Inda

Monday, March 17, 2008

What Is Inda Up To?

So glad you asked.

I'm starring in a pilot for a new show -- being shot right here in Chicago. WTTW (Channel 11) has partnered with Schadenfreude to create a new Chicago-based sketch comedy pilot called "IL-Informed." The show stars Schad, alongside Ithamar Enriquez, Inda Craig-Galvan and Joe Canale. We're taping the show in front of a live studio audience on March 24, 25 and 26. It's like a sitcom, but without Patricia Heaton.

Thanks again for wondering. Didn't know I could read minds, did ya?

- Inda

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


That's the number of Illinois voters who, yesterday, voted for John Edwards. The man isn't even running anymore! There are 37,835 adults, with the right and the ability to vote, who cast a ballot for a man who announced that he's no longer running. Edwards didn't whisper it to one or two people and then slink away. He ANNOUNCED that he's no longer in the game! He basically said, "Don't vote for me! Vote for someone who is not me because I am no longer running. Oh, by the way, don't vote for me."

Granted, there wasn't enough time to reprint the ballots and his name was right there along with the other candidates still in the race. But if Gumby's name were accidentally printed, somebody probably would have voted for him, too.

Among these 37,835, surely there are parents raising children. And there are probably loads of licensed drivers operating heavy machinery on the roadways. There are people with bank accounts -- hell, some of the 37,835 may even be in charge of your money. God forbid there are teachers, pharmacists, construction workers amongst the group.

I don't have anything against the man. If neither Obama nor Clinton were running and Edwards were suddenly back in the race, I may have voted for him myself. Nothing against him. I have a huge something against people bringing their cluelessness into the voting booth. Maybe you don't know every bill that your candidate has supported on in the past. Maybe you don't know what his/her stance was on every issue that went through Congress. But not knowing if they are even running?! It's bad enough that no one checks for i.d. when you go to vote. Maybe now there needs to be a check for i.q. as well.

- Inda

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wrong Order

I went to lunch with a friend yesterday at an Asian noodle restaurant. You know, they have 20 different noodle bowls you can order, along with a few rice dishes and appetizers. I decided to try something I'd never had before. No wild ingredients, just a dish that I hadn't had the opportunity to sample before now. I love ordering new things. I'm an adventurous eater. I'll try anything. So I ordered my dish quite confidently, very pleased with myself for possessing this quality.

The server gave me this judgmental look and asked, "Have you had that before?" "No," I replied enthusiastically, ready to try something new. "You should get the Pad Thai," she told me. Just like that. Just flat. No reason why. No "this dish is really kinda shitty and we should really take it off the menu" explanation. Just "You should get the Pad Thai." Now, I've got nothing against Pad Thai. I've had it probably 50 times. In fact, I love Pad Thai. But that's not what I wanted this time. If I'd wanted Pad Thai I would have ordered Pad Thai. But apparently, I was wrong. And I let this woman talk me out of getting what I'd really wanted. Just like I'd let the mechanic talk me into getting my tires rotated when all I'd needed was an oil change earlier in the day. Just like later that day I bought an XM home kit from the guy in the electronics department at Walmart when all I went in there for was toilet paper. I don't think I should order/buy things on Tuesdays. I shouldn't shop at all on Tuesdays. Apparently, I do it wrong. By the way, I didn't order the Pad Thai. I got curry noodles. Didn't like it. Too much broth.

- Inda

Monday, January 14, 2008

NBC Sketch Showdown...It's On!

kevINda has been invited to perform at the NBC Universal 2008 Nationwide Sketch Showdown. It's in L.A. on Tuesday, January 29, at the Ivar Theatre in Hollywood. We're gonna bring it. Ooh, that didn't sound very humble. We thank God for this opportunity... to bring it.

- Inda

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Disney, But Sincere

I was at an audition yesterday. I had two auditions and a callback, actually. God is good. How that happened is a story in itself. It's a "things happen for a reason" story. Yeah, another time.

The reason for this blog is that I had this audition and I realized that the clients are never clear. As a matter a fact, they are usually contradictory with their direction and what they want. Now, mind you, I am saying clients not casting directors ('cause N'Word needs to work, nahmean?!). And it's across the board -- Chicago and L.A. clients. Here is the direction that I got today: "We need Disney, but sincere, not camp." Yeah, actors get directions like that all the time. "Okay we need her to be loose, but she's not a slut." "We need him to be intelligent, but stupid." "He's black, but he's allergic to chicken."

- Kevin