
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Pleasure of a Pounding

I had some replacement window companies come out and give me estimates. That's like inviting a used car salesmen -- on the last day of the month -- to come and sit down in your home. While you're tied to your own chair. And gagged. It's not pretty. It's not very professional, either. They give you a price, you say thank you and let them know (for the fifth time) that you won't commit to anything today because you want to get a few estimates, they give you a lower price, you reiterate the same statment, they make a phone call, they give you an even lower price -- but it's only good today -- and then they leave. But it ain't over. The company calls you several times a day for the next several weeks. You don't answer. You thank your God for caller i.d.

Pleasure of a pounding? What the heck, Inda? I know that's what you're thinking. I'll get to that. So this last window guy is former Navy. Retired just short of 20 years. Buzz cut. Thick neck. Thick RED neck. He happened to have been lucky enough to be stationed onboard a ship in the Middle East when the September 11th attacks occurred. And, I quote, "It was a pleasure giving 'em a pounding." Oh, the glee in his voice. The misguided, pseudo-patriotic, revenge-filled tone in his smug, smarmy voice.

Now, I'm no expert on politics, and so I wonder who the "'em" was he was "pounding" and, furthermore, why was there so much "pleasure" involved? I figure that he wasn't referring to "pounding" the actual hijackers on the planes, 'cuz they were already dead. Maybe he personally found some al-Qaeda members onboard his ship. Doubt it. Don't remember for sure, but I don't recall the U.S. deploying naval ships, finding confirmed al-Qaeda cells and "pounding" on "'em" that day. Would have been some swift, concise military action on our parts. Don't recall that happening, though. Wasn't on CNN. So, I gather, this guy's ship just attacked...or will somewhere in the Middle East. What was the target exactly? Anyone who looked Middle Eastern?

I couldn't ask him any more questions. I didn't want to hear any more about what gave this guy his "pleasure." It was obvious that he wasn't getting my window replacement business. His price quote was too high, regardless of his politics. I was just good and ready for him to get out of my house before he let slip the phrase "sand niggers."

- Inda


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