
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Let Go

I am back. But still on party time...I mean L.A. time. I am going to miss the mid-day siestas, but ce la vie. I have so much stuff to do. Kevin is in HIGH demand. But Kevin does not feel motivated. Kevin is going to take today to get his shiznit together and get motivated.

What's bloggy that I could write about? Oh, yes, letting go. Men. Have you heard the saying, Let go and let God? To me that means any negative feelings, problems, or issues, etc., that you may have you should let them go and let God work it out. Easier said then done? Not really. Everything is a choice. EVERYTHING. Especially in a country where literally anything is possible. So you can waste all of your time and energy harboring those negative feelings, issues, problems, etc., or let them go and move on with your life. The choice is yours. And if you were thinking about commiting some sort of crime because you can't let go, you'd better know how to fight because men in prison have not had sex with women in a long time and to them fresh cellmates are just like other words, they will rape you. So let go and let God...not let God rape you, but know what I mean.

- Kevin


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