
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Monday, June 12, 2006

I love soc---- FOOTBALL!

So, I was watching those political morning shows on Sunday. There was one on NBC and one on CBS and ABC. Why they would talk politics on the Lord's day is beyond me. Not judging. Wait, I am. Anyway, they were all talking about Iraq and pulling the troops out and the President being an idiot...yes I am quoting, I promise (fingers crossed). And I was thinking -- wow, we are so dead. Everyone hates this country. I like this country, but everyone else hates it, including the people that are citizens of it. Let me back up a bit...example, World Cup Soccer. Why does the U.S. soccer team have to have MORE security than any other country? Not saying I don't agree, I am saying that, well...that's telling, don't you think? Because everyone...most of the world...dislikes us and what's funny is that most of the U.S. HATES SOCCER!! So even if something did happen to them (the team), no one here would give a F*#K! The most popular sport in the WORLD and we can barely give away tickets to a game here. That's telling to me. I understand it. Because if anything is challenging in this country we find an easier, lazier way to do it...or play it. Steroids. NUFF said. Example:

U.S. circa, um. . . hm . . . when football was brought here.
(insert Southern accent here) "Man this game where you use your feet, and kick the ball. That's too hard. What we need to do is be able to use our hands like that there one player in the goal, what is he called...the Goal - - LEE? Yeah, I think we should all be able to use our hands and I think we should fight each other for the ball too." "You mean like boxing?" "No efus. Like, um, tacklin'." "You mean like fishin' tackle?" "No, dummy. Like this." (man tackles efus) "Ouch. (pause) That would be fun. You don't think it's too gay do you...the touching and the grabbing..." "NO! And we should call it FOOTBALL." "But the other game is called football and it's popular all over the world..." "Fuck you, efus. This is the U.S. We have been stealing shit and makin' it our own for years. We'll call their stupid kickin' game SOCCER."

- Kevin


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