
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Got Him!

So, I'm sitting in a restaurant, eating lunch with friends. We'd requested a table by the window because it was such a lovely day out. Real pleasant, huh?

Yeah, except for the tasteless cover of the Chicago Sun Times in the dispensor right outside our window. A close-up of al-Zarqawi's bruised, dead face. A corpse on the cover of the paper. The photo blown up to cover half of the front page. With the headline, "Got Him!"

Maybe it's just me, but shouldn't fighting wars, stopping crime and wiping out terror be dignified, noble endeavors? Shouldn't our soldiers fight quietly and honorably to restore order and bring about justice? Kind of like the way the Batman does. Or like Superman. Even the freakin' Hulk. It's not a sport, for goodness' sake. We don't need to spike the ball, throw sand and yell, "In your face, terrorists!" And our journalists don't need to parade corpses as if we were in medieval times. Got him! Let's celebrate. I'm glad I ordered that martini.

- Inda


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