
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Cracker vs. N-Word

So a Cracker and a Nig -- N-Word -- were sitting and having lunch. The N-word is the only N-word in the break room. The rest are all Crackers:

Cracker: Hey what do you think of the whole Michael Richards thing, or better yet, the N-word?
N-Word: What do you think of it?
Cracker: I think it's awful. What he said, I was appalled. If I hadn't seen the video I never would have believed it --
N-Word: I know you wouldn't have.
Cracker: Um, right -- I just wouldn't have believed it. I mean, Seinfeld is such a great show --
N-Word: Oh, the show that takes place in the dimension where New York is filled with all white people?
Cracker: Um, ah, I don't understand --
N-Word: You wouldn't. Keep going. You were saying something about the N-Word?
Cracker: Oh, yes. I think the N-Word is awful and no one should use it. I get offended when I hear it. What do you think?
N-Word: Wow. Well, you know what I get offended by?
Cracker: Wha --
N-Word: Crackers who like to focus their energy on shit that they should not be focusing their energy on. Micromanaging Crackers. They offend me. Closeted white guilt. That offends me. Just admit you feel guilty about what your ancestors did, and that you are sorry that you are and will continue to reap the benefits of slavery. YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE OFFENDS ME?
Cracker: Um, please lower your --
N-Word: The fact that niggers are filling up our prisons; the fact that most cities with a large Black population have a ghetto filled with Black people; the fact that those ghettos have schools that are below average; the fact that there is AIDS in Africa, or forget Africa, the Black females here have a higher percentage of AIDS cases than any other race in the U.S. and growing; the fact that niggers in New Orleans are not even a concern anymore, even though it looks the same as it did a year ago; the fact that CRACKERS always want my opinion on the damn N-WORD!! Why don't you let us handle the N-Word since we are the only ones that should be using it, and you handle the other shit!
Cracker: Okay. Um... One last question before security gets here. Why can't we use it?
(N-Word gives Cracker a look that could kill.)
Cracker: Never mind. We have enough. We'll go ahead and start focusing on the other "shit" you had mentioned.
(N-Word exits.)
Cracker: (to the other Crackers in break room.) That nigger is crazy.


- Kevin


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