
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I Am Not Jesus

Still in Canada. Still don't know why I left Canada. Kidding. I left 'cause I was ten and had no choice. Still don't know why I don't come back more often. Kidding. Because they have enough good people here; it's the United Sates that needs more good people -- ZING! Jesus never hung out with only Christians. He hung with the prostitutes and robbers -- the people that need help... Wow, that was hilarious I compared my self to Jesus. I am not Jesus nor do I claim to be. I also like the U.S. A lot. Not everything in the U.S. For example, United Airlines -- not so much. I like seeing people get reunited, like troops that have been in Iraq. It's good to see them come home and get reunited with their families; United Airlines, not so much. I like the U.S. patriotism; U.S. Airways, not so much. Got it? Good.

I am a lot better now that I am over my tiff with the airlines, especially, after they are giving me a voucher -- should be two, but whatever. I got my bag in time for the show. Which, by the way, went smashingly. I love T DOT (that means Toronto)!!!

Okay, one last thing and I promise to drop the airlines thing. So United, I call them, and after they give me the voucher (well, they are mailing it) I said I would also like a letter of apology. Why? Why not? They owe it to me. But the dude said they couldn't do that. That's easy. A letter saying "Sorry we are idiots as far as lugagge is concerned, but we get you there safely." A simple letter stating "My God how could we be so incompetent, here are some shares of stock." A letter saying "Kevin, we assure you that this will never happen again. We were wrong to have lied and given you the run-around and we hope that you will continue to fly with us. Sincerely, Stupid Faces." But no. He says their computers don't or can't do that. It's probably the same computers that handle the baggage -- ZING!!!


- Kevin


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