
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Self Destructive

Most old people are set in their ways. So it is useless to try and ask them to change, even if it could save their lives. Many of them change . . . AFTER the doctor has diagnosed them with CANCER, DIABETES, and whatever else they have that they could have POSSIBLY prevented . . . I understand that some things are hereditary, but if you have been smoking, drinking, eating shit you SHOULDN'T be eating all of your life AND NOT taking care of yourself, well guess what, we can't prove whether or not it was hereditary now can we? Now if you have been healthy or at the very least TRYING to be healthy sure, but if you are SELF DESTRUCTIVE don't be surprised when the doctor diagnoses you with whateva.And you owe your loved ones an apology . . . assuming you care about your loved ones or what they think or what they will feel after you are gone.

Wow that was harsh, eh? Such is life.

- Kevin


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