
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Friday, June 16, 2006


"Be the change you want to be in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Yes, change. Hey, I was watching this thing on Yahoo video. Deepak Chopra. He's the guy that I got the quote fromm who in turn was quoting Ghandi. Anyway, he said a lot of things that made sense. He talked about everything being or coming from within.

Check yourself for a second, just a second 'cause I know we all have A.D.D. Just check yourself and think about something that is pissing you off...sorry -- a minute -- not a second. Okay, now think about this thing that's bothering you> Now, are you doing something about it or complaining about it? Yeah, me too. So stop complaining and do something about it. (Insert dumb jock voice, or Southern dialect, or Valley-girl impression here.) "Like what, Kevin? This problem is bigger than me." Yeah, maybe, but if you were to die today and go to heaven (if you don't believe in heaven, play along. You might as well. You've invested so much already) and God (please continue to play along) said, "So, you had this problem and you didn't do anything about it except complain. You complained as if tomorrow were promised; you complained as if you were going to die because of this problem; you complained as if you were in a third world country and were living off two dollars a day; you complained as if life were not about choices; you complained as if you were living in hell... " (read like an excited child telling a story) and then God would say, "Now you're gonna go back and fix the problem you had and make the right decisions." And then God would give you a second chance, but then you would get distracted by the TiVo, or the hot girl that was looking at you, or the money you need to make, or the sex you NEED to have, or the car you want to buy, or the bitch you wanna yell at, or the price of gas, or Republicans and there money hungry ways(Zing.), or the racism, or the minimum wage, or the kids not listening, or the husband cheating, or the STD, or the racism, or the new movie coming out and why the hell is it another remake, or the fact that every hip-hop video is the same song/different illiterate rapper and different beat, and why the hell is it selling, or why you're teaching kids that can't read or write but THEY KNOW EVERY FUCKING WORD to LAFFY TAFFY! ...and you get so distracted that you forget why you were sent back and then you die again and this time God is like, "F*#k it." and you burn in Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The moral of the story is: Listen and get out of the situation you are in...because if you had a second chance at life you would probably mess it up again, anyway.

- Kevin


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