In Character

So, I'm doing this play. And there's a kissing scene toward the end. The other actor and I have been very professional about it. It's a lovely, moving scene. Great acting moment. And bonus for the old married lady -- kissing someone new is like a mini-vacation from the husband. (Don't tell the husband I wrote that part.) One particular night, however, there was something a little different. The blocking was the same. The number of kisses the same. The intent and emotion of the scene... all the same. But there was a moan. And it didn't come from me. He moaned. Right after the final kiss, dude let out a moan that was audible only to me. The audience couldn't have heard that. And if it isn't for the audience's sake, then who is it for?
Here comes the lesson. If an actor you're kissing on stage lets out a moan of pleasure loud enough for only you to hear, just ignore it. Don't ask. Don't tell. Ignore it. Doesn't matter how curious you are. Doesn't matter if it seems completely out of character. Doesn't matter if you're driving yourself batty wondering "Who did I just kiss?" and "Who was that kissing me?" Doesn't matter. Let it go. Do not... repeat... DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ASK THE ACTOR ABOUT WHAT JUST HAPPENED.
But if you do... or if you are me and can't go back in a time machine and undo what you did last night... here are the only two possible outcomes: He'll immediately deny it, repetitively announcing that it was just the character, and then he'll walk away from you; or he'll take a moment of introspection and then deny it, repetitively announcing that it was just the character. And then he'll walk away from you. Either way, you look like the asshole who's accusing him of some impropriety. Either way, the next time you have to kiss him on stage it's probably going to be a little more awkward than usual. Either way, you have to stay in character.
- Inda
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