
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Journey This!

If one more person tells me, "It's all about the journey," I'm going to stab them in the eyeball. I don't care who it is. Friend, acquaintance, well-meaning clergyperson... doesn't matter. I can't hear "It's all about the journey" one more freakin' time.

Here's why: It's a lie. It's a passive-aggressive way to tell someone that you don't really believe in them. What you're really saying, in a smarmy, new-agey kinda way is this: I know you won't actually achieve this lofty, fantasy of a goal you've set for yourself. Everyone who knows you knows that you're going to fail. But since you won't admit your imminent failure to yourself, there's nothing else I can tell you but to enjoy it. You won't reach that destination, loser, so enjoy the ride. It's all about the journey. Sucker.

Well, I don't buy that. Or I don't want to buy into it. And as long as I don't... as long as I keep telling myself that I'll reach a real and true goal... as long as I stay in denial... I'll be fine.

So, no, I will not enjoy the journey. In fact, I'm doing everything I can to make the "journey" as miserable, difficult, rocky, and cringe-inducing as I possibly can. And I'm taking you all along with me for the painful ride. That way, when I do get "there," I can say it was worth all the pain-staking effort. So not only am I enduring the pain and suffering, but I'm creating more as I go along. Illogical? Whatever. It's better than going through life all journey-bound. That's a one-way ticket to nowheresville. Screw that. I have a destination. I'm goal-oriented, unlike these "journey" freaks who just want to enjoy "being" and "traveling" to their nowhere. I've got somewhere to be and a time-table to get me there. I may be late, I may be cranky, and I may be frustrated. But when I arrive, and I will... oh, yes, I will... I'll be happier and more satisfied than any of the "journeymen" who are just content to "be." Cause I've been through it. The ringer, baby. And I came out the other side. Or... I will... in the future.

But in the meantime, DO NOT try to sell me the "It's all about the journey" line. Or if you do, pick an eye. It's your choice. Whichever one you want. Enjoy the choosing. It's all about the choosing.

- Inda


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