No, the bear wasn't really eating Kevin. There are a lot of bear statues out here... in hotels, on corners, in parks. There are more bears in Aspen than colored people.So, yesterday we walked around quite a bit. We got snowed on quite a bit. And we ate quite a bit. We picked up our "welcome packets," which included our passes. Man, that was a good feeling. When we walked in, the festival people recognized us and smiled and waved and hugged and whatnot. Of course they would recognize us -- they've had our pictures for a while now -- but it still felt kinda rock star. Even at the airport in Denver, there was someone there with an HBO sign with our names written on it -- and spelled correctly -- who was just there to make sure we walked from one gate to another to make our connecting flight. Kinda rock star.These may seem like little things to you, but I've spent my entire life having my name misspelled, mispronounced, and just not called at all. Too much sentimentality for a kevINda blog... sorry. My point is, it felt good. And the pass even has my designation in bold letters: ARTIST. Kinda rock star.
- Inda
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