
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Carpartment

I am in L.A. Miss you too, Inda. Glad I was the cause of your lack of booking. Inda has an audition for something I am not allowed to make fun of until she books it and I hope she gets it because my head is going to explode with all the comments I want to make. Please God let her book this.

Yeah, in L.A. Not quite situated, but more situated than I was. My car died in Texas. Yup, it caught on fire. Not a big fire, but big enough to freak me out and kill the engine and leave it in El Paso. It was funny ten minues after it happened. Hey, some advice if you are driving cross country: get full coverage on your insurance and especially on your roadside assistance. AAA is useless if you don't have full coverage when going across country. I bought a new car a few days ago. Yeah, 2006 Ford Focus. It is going to be my car/apartment. Very excited. I have never lived in a car before.

L.A. is cool. The weather is the same every day. The fires suck... sorry, is it too early. But seriuosly, that is awful and they are saying it's arson. Man, now everyone is saying FEMA got there mighty quick, eh? Yeah, Bush just can't win and neither can FEMA.

Traffic here is awesome. You get so much done and so many phone calls get made and not to mention all of that pesky gas you get to burn while you wait in traffic.

Another actor on LOST was arrested for a DUI. He must have been celebrating his final episode... and if he wasn't, he will soon. Fans, don't get too attached to the Asian dude...

I went to Portland, Maine, a few weeks ago to visit a friend and see her perform in The Piano Lesson. The show was good. Maine is nice but it shuts down like at 6PM. Oh, and there are no Black people. The ones they have are from out of town.

Well, goodnight, I have to get my car ready for bed.

- Kevin


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