
Kevin and Inda share their random thoughts...usually about Bush. Or acting.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hello everyone. Long time, no blog. I know all of you have been sitting at home or at your office checking your computers EVERY DAY and wondering, "When is Kevin going to blog?" The anticipation of waiting for me to blog is the equivalent of waiting for a Star Wars prequel. I'm flattered folks. I have been contemplating life... no, not gonna commit suicide... I have WAYYY too much to live for. I mean, look at me... (go to in case you don't know what I look like) So, I am contemplating some choices I have to make with my life. That sounds dreary. I mean contemplating some great opportunities that I have here in Chicago and potential great opportunities I have in L.A. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush... unless it's a newborn bird that you've touched because that bird will die. Once a newborn is touched by a human the mother doesn't want it. I believe it's a sparrow that does that. Animal Channel or Discovery Channel, I think. Wow where- was- I?

Choices and opportunities, blah, blah. Glad I am single, unmarried, and don't have a mortgage or any kids. That would make my choice a lot harder to make. But it's all me, all SELFISH me! I try not to ask people who have any of the things I just listed because then they start thinking of themselves, and not what's good for me... yeah, they make it about them. " Oh Kevin, if it were me I would make this choice, but I have this damn mortgage," or "Kevin, I would do it if I didn't have these damn kids," or "If I didn't have this damn MARRIAGE!" I just want to be like whoa not my fault. And you're not me and if you were me you would make the same MISTAKES. Because you would be you only in a different body and a different race. But I don't say that because those people are a little too sensitive and stressed.

Marriage + mortgage + kids = I wish I were Kevin.

Well, this time with you has helped me with my choice... my choice is to NOT listen to any of you, and let GOD work it out. Thanks folks.

- Kevin


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