Here's what's coming up next for the dynamic duo. Oh, that name's already been taken. The comedy cuties? Sounds like two chicks. How about the sketchy soulsters? Okay, just kevINda.
We're appearing at a Preview/Fundraiser for the Chicago Improv Festival coming up Tuesday, March 21st. We 're only doing about six scenes, but it should be hot. Hot like Inda's new hair. Then, it's off to Washington, D.C., for the 2nd Annual DC Comedy Fest. There we'll get to do a whole bunch of material and bust out all the new shit. Can you curse on a blog? Guess we'll find out in a minute, huh? After D.C., we will perform at the 9th Annual Chicago Improv Festival, where we'll be headlining. What?! That's April 8th.
Okay, so a blog--if I gather correctly--is a place to rant and bitch and complain. But we don't have anything to complain about today. It's all good. Unless, of course, you want to bring up an icky, uncomfortable audition moment. "Let it go, Inda," I can hear Kevin saying in my head. Aw, fuck it. It's a blog. Here's the skinny: I was recently at a certain casting office, feeling great, well-prepared, and looking hot...or so I thought. Just as I was about to slate my name and give my read, the reader said the most disheartening thing she possibly could have said at that most inopportune moment: "Oh, no pretty hair extensions today?" Wow. Actors are already fragile, insecure, weird individuals anyway. I so didn't need a casting person to basically insinuate that I didn't look pretty with my natural hair. And I so didn't need to hear that just seconds before my audition for a major television gig. Couldn't have said something in the waiting area earlier, huh? Or maybe let my agent know ahead of time what look they were going after? Or better yet -- not said anything at all? Because what could I have done about my hair at that moment other than stress and possibly let it affect my audition. The moral: keep it to yourself. Unless, of course, you're blogging. Then let it spill.
Ah, that felt good. Done. Wow, blogging can be cathartic. kevINda OUT!
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